and this is my personal opinion bout these books:

twilight : 5/5

new moon : 2/5

eclipse : 3.5/5

breaking dawn: 4.5/5
- i read twilight (1 st book) 8 times!
- until now, i still keep repeating reading all 4 books! (3 latest book that i bought during mph warehouse sale still untouched)...
what 8 times???..i tak habis2 lagi baca twilight tu..
wah! suke membaca ek lina ni...bgus2...
berhantu betul novel ni smpai 10x u repeat!hadoyaiii...
hantu buku betul!
lina - dazzlinglilly,
now, i sendri dah lost count how manay time i repeat baca! :p as hubby said, worth gila beli set ni! ahaksss...
lina - hezesuze,
ohh... suka gilerrrr!
lina - mummyyaeesh,
hantu vampire ensem! woohoooo!
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