late noon on saturday we went to Subang Parade.. without any intension to shop pun, more on nak bawak anak2 berjalan.. arrived, terus grab rotiboy, lama tak makan.. then, straight headed to toys r us.. adam, as usual akan main2 ngan lego.. then, he started walking around.. sampai je kat soft toys area he grabbed this;

my friend tigger and pooh, your friend tigger and pooh!
lego time!
and then, masuk lak mph..

mummy's my best friend's girl by dorothy koomson & nama aku 'n' by aina emir

ni untuk adam... share lah ye ngan adik!
then, masuk lak cold storage, beli brg umah & stok2 makanan adam...
terus balik...

by the time masuk cold storage, adam dah lena.. pebat la tu, berlari kat tru!

my darling girl, ariana damia yg tak banyak kerenah bila jalan2!
and below pic masa sunday morning...

my sweethearts...
We’re always there for each other
You’ll see just how fun it can be
With so much in the world to discover
And if I need help on the way
Buster might save the day
Or Piglet, Lumpy or Roo
Eeyore has a paw to lend
Rabbit has an ear to bend
Now all we’re missing is you…
Hooray it’s a honey-ful day
So let’s laugh and let’s play here together
With My Friends Tigger and Pooh
My Friends Tigger and Pooh
My Friends Tigger and Pooh