hubby received this as a souvenier during SIRIM's dinner somewhere last week..
unik kan kasi 'pokok berserta tanah' dalam goodie bag!
Yg pastinya sampai hari ni pokok ni elok je kat my dressing table.. takde inisiative pun nk proper tanam! :) sebab kalau tanam pun bkn tau guna pun!
amek daun rebus air?
blender daun ka?
kikis2 dahan tu rebus ka?
He he....
Ni hasil carian wiki;
Kacip fatima (Labisa pumila) is the female version of Tongkat Ali. Kacip Fatimah is a small woody and leafy plant that grows and can be found widely in the shade of forest floors. The leaves are about 20 centimetres long, and they are traditionally used as a kind of tea by women who experience a loss of libido.
Extract from these herbs are usually ground into powder substances and are made into capsules and pills. A concoction made from boiling the plant in water is given to women in labour to hasten delivery of their babies. After childbirth, it may still be consumed by mothers to regain their strength. In other medicinal preparations, it can treat gonorrhoea, dysentery and eliminate excessive gas in the body.
Traditionally, it is used in Borneo for enhancing vitality, overcome tiredness and help to tone vaginal muscles for women.
The claimed uses of Kacip Fatimah include:[1]
Helps establish a regular menstrual cycle when periods fail to appear for reasons like stress, illness or when the pill is discontinued
Prevents cramping, water retention and irritability for those with painful periods.
Balances, builds and harmonizes the female reproductive system to encourage healthy conception
Supports healthy vaginal flora to prevent irritation and infections.
Alleviates fatigue, smooths menopausal symptoms and promote emotional well being.
Prolong energy during Playtime.
Helps to solve the problems related to constipation
Tightens vaginal skin and walls.
Anti-dysmenorrhoea; cleansing and avoiding painful or difficult menstruation
Anti-flatulence, drive away and prevent the formation of gas.
Firming and toning of abdominal muscles.
As the plant contain phytoestrogen, it is not to be taken by pregnant women and periods of menstruation.
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