
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

ANTS can be so dangerous

received this through email from someone...

Incident One:
A little boy died because surgeons found ants in his brain! Apparently, this boy fell asleep with some sweets in his mouth or with some sweet stuff beside him. Ants soon got to him and some ants in fact crawled into his ear and somehow managed to go into his brain. When he woke up, he did not realize that ants had gone into his head. After that, he constantly complained about itchiness around his face. His mother brought him to a doctor, but the doctor could not figure out what was wrong with him. He took an X-ray of the boy and to his horror, he found a group of live ants in his skull. Since the ants were still alive, the doctor could not operate on him because the ants were constantly moving around.. The boy finally died. So please be careful when leaving food stuff near your bed or when eating in bed. This might attract ants. Most importantly, NEVER you or your child eat sweets before going to bed. You or your child might attract ants while you are asleep.

Incident Two:
Another similar incident happened in a hospital in Taiwan . This man was warded in the hospital and was constantly warned by the nurses not to leave food stuff by his bedside because there were ants about. He did not heed their advice. Ants finally got to him. His family members said that the man constantly complained about headaches. He died and a post mortem or autopsy was done on him. Doctors found a group of live ants in his head. Apparently, the ants had been eating bits of his brain. So friends, better be safe than sorry. Never leave food stuff beside Your bed you when you go to sleep.

and my 2 cents;
benda cam gini logik akal... kena lah makesure tpt tinggal sentiasa bersih..
especially, klu ada ada anak kecik... jgnkan semut masuk ke otak, masuk telinga je dah cukup bahaya..
so, tak larat ke, penat ke... still kena mengemas.. makesure everything bersih / teratur...
mencegah labih baik dari mengubati... wah! ala2 pesanan khidmat masyarakat gitu!! heh...
*sekadar gambar hiasan :p


RosmanPositivo said...


but it's the truth kan.

amalkan gaya hidup sihat dan bersih. pesanan daripada jabatan..., er, kak lina :)

Nurhayati said...

nampak cam lekeh je kan tapi sebenarnye bahaya.. hmm tak leh wat main2..mmg kena rajin kemas.. oh yer.. lg elok pakai pest control.. biar invest sket takpe.. jgn kata kan semut, lipas, tikus, cicak semua la binatang2 kecil ni..takde.. sbb umah i mmg wat pest.. sangat2 elok.

MN said...


geli2 tengkuk i baca!

Hezesuze said...

wah khidmat masyarakat katenye...

agree ngan lina...

p/s lena je si kocik tu taido ek...

linahilmin said...

lina - rosmanpositivo,
ye lah dik, scary kan..

lina - nurhayati,
yati hire pest control ye.. bagus tu? macammana deal dia ye? menarik nih!

lina - MN,
rasa cam merayap2 je kan.. urghhh!

lina - hezesuze,
public announcement dah cam radio era lak! tu ngantuk sungguh2 la tu, lena sampai cam tu!

watie wyyn said...

eee takutnye!bleh plak semut2 ni bersarang dlm otak!
semut skang da tak makan gula kot dia suka makan otak!hiks

reena said...

Kakak! Takutnya baca story ni!

Anonymous said...

bahaya betul mmg kena kemas selalu nak2 if ada anak kecik.
kalu nk tido tu kena kebas2 dulu..if nk try blh call en narimi 019-2766099. has guna service dia buat pest control.

linahilmin said...

lina - mummyyaeesh,
takut kan.. semut version extreme nih!

lina - reena,
takut kan.. geli gila!

lina - honeylanz,
thanks a lot has. appreciate it! nanti leh call..
