
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Retail Theraphy

walau hanya sekadar benda kecil dah cukup utk saya riang ria & stress free. Dari dulu saya yakin dengan kaedah 'retail theraphy' kalau dilanda kerunsingan atau stress. Kalau pun sekadar membeli sebuah novel baru atau sebatang lipstick hati dah puas! Saya tak suka window shopping, pada saya itu hanya membuat saya bertambah tensi! jadi, belilah apa saja sekadar mampu ketika itu. Dan ini hasil belian semalam yg paling saya suka; Bobbi Brown Mini Brush & wangian Chanel - Chanel Chance.
gembira tahu!
Tapi, kita sama2 ingat ya, hidup kita belum tentu panjang atau pendek jadi kalau boleh bila2 masa pun kena happy ya! (bukan hanya bila dapat beli apa yg kita mahukan.... ooooopppsssss!)
take care para sahabat!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Pregnancy Month Five

Weeks 17-20

Baby's Growth

Your baby's senses are beginning to activate. His skin is sensitive to touch, he is beginning to taste, he may respond to some sounds and his eyesight continues to develop.
Along with the development of the internal organs, your baby has developed some protections for the uterine environment. The Vernix Caseosa, a cold-cream type substance, is secreted from his oil glands to protect his skin from the amniotic fluid. Downy hairs called Lanugo hair have grown on his skin which may help hold the vernix in place as well as help regulate his temperature.
He has a primitive immune system, which does offer him limited protection from infection and illness. He is also developing a special type of fat called "Brown Fat" which helps him regulate his temperature. Deposits of brown fat will continue until he is born, at which time the fat will begin to dissolve.
At the end of the 20th week your baby will be around 7.5 inches from crown to rump and weigh 1 pound, and baby's kidney's are now functioning well enough that they can make urine.

Mom's Changes

Your nausea should have disappeared by now, but you may be feeling heartburn or indigestion when you eat. You may also be experiencing some constipation and pelvic pain. Although some pelvic pain is normal due to the relaxing and stretching of the pelvis, you should seek the advice of your caregiver if the pain is excessive or interferes with your regular activities.
You should be feeling the baby's
movements by the end of this month. You may also have grown enough that you begin to see stretch marks.
Your thyroid gland is more active during pregnancy, which may cause an increased perspiration. Some women find that the increased blood volume during pregnancy causes their
gums to bleed and nosebleeds.
Although still early, some women begin to have
leaking fluids from their breasts. It is normal for the breasts to leak, and normal for the breasts not to leak. It will have no effect on your ability to breastfeed.

Common Symptoms

The following symptoms are commonly experienced during this month:

Feeling Movements
Heartburn and Indigestion
Nose Bleeds
Stretch Marks
Blotchy Skin
Leaking Breasts
Bleeding Gums
Pelvic Pressure
Vaginal Discharge
Varicose Veins

sampai jumpa lagi!

happy weekends, beloved friends!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

something cold & sweet


craving for something sweet, nice & cold dan ini jln penyelesaiannya; Starbucks Coffee Ice-Cream. Mars tu favourite anak sulung saya! sedapppp ahhhh!

Ralph Lauren kids shoes now available at Parkson!

Last night i went to Parkson, Subang Parade. Terkejut (and excited) bila nampak RL kids shoes ada kat rack, sempat la belek2 price, beza +/- bout rm50 klu dibeli secara online. Kira ok la kan, takde lah risau problem muat atau tak. Tapi, semalam memang tak sempat nak belek lebih2, terus kena pi Cold Storage sebab ada groceries yg perlu dibeli. Maybe, Friday ni boleh pegi lagi sebab ada Bonuslink nyer promotion; dan ada juga satu dua barang untuk diri sendiri yg mesti dibeli.

oh ya, adults nyer selipar pun ada!

Tapi, menurut SA g ada kat situ its only available at 3 Parksons outlet: Subang Parade, One Utama & Pavilion.

till then...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

ooopsss, today is the last day!


ada sejumlah voucher Parkson yg wajib diguna HARI INI JUGA! seb baik ingat, rugi kalau tak, beratus juga ni!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

on hire a maid issue

really headache when it come to 'maid' matter.
pernah ada 2 maids before; both from Indonesia. masa tu, i'm about to deliver (Ariana).

The first one, staying with us only for less than a week, even her name pun i dah tak ingat. mula2 datang, she's didn't bring anything, sehelai sepinggang, not even a bra or underpants! so, first thing we take her to Tesco utk beli.... elok je beli semua, selang dua hari mintak nk balik. (dah lah sepanjang dua hari tu langsung tak buat kerja kan, tak kisah lah kan mula2 tu, kot2 la dia dok teringat family ke apa; then she told us yg dia taknak jd maid sebenarnya. i dok fikir mesti nak keje yg glam2 la since kuku pun panjang, kening pun berpantis halus!

Then dpt yg second one, dapat yg ni masa dah 1 week after bersalin, (masa ni my mum & dad ada jaga i kat my place), so memang rajin buat kerja. like non-stop, sampai we all risau.. tapi, after my parents dah takde baru lah wat perangai! ajak p beli groceries takmau, i nak bawak baby p camc takmau ikut.. adehhh! dah lah every weekend cuti, every saturday we have to send her to her husband kat serdang, then sunday petang kena pick her up, kemas rumah amek shortcut, semua mainan adam dia letak tinggi2, kiranya klu adam tak main ak perlu dia susah2 kemas! haishhhhhh! everyday mesti tengok sinetron, from 2pm - 6pm dok mengadap tv sampai i pun pening! her life at my place sgt2 heaven k, cuma sapu sampah, iron baju, jemur... masak & anak2 semua i handle sendiri. pun susah nak bersyukur! adehhhh!

and now, im into this dilemma again, almost 5mth pregnant i dah tak larat (i dah tua occay!), so husband start give me an idea to hire a maid (again????), ialah since this one (Insyaallah) our third child kan, rasa macam macam susah pulak nak handle ngan house chores lagi... my anak2 kira rapat2 la jugak, my first boy is 4, second one 2... so, i think i need helper, at least utk tahun pertama sementara nak adapt ngan anak 3 orang kan! so now masih berkira2 lagi.... risau pun ya, ialah, nak hire maid nowadays bukan murah tau! karang bazir duit je... ada yg bg idea amek filipina, cambodian..., katanya lebih boleh diharap, tapi kan mana nak cari? ada sape2 tau agency or contact person yg i leh call? and last couples of days i jumpa iklan maid agency yg buat, monthy main, meaning we can hire a maid, bulan demi bulan..., harga for 1month is rm800+, tu tak termasuk hidden charges. macam mahal kan, tp kalau fikir balik, better la kan, dr dok habis thousands tapi hasilnya nan hado!

so, now masih berkira2. few month left before any decision taken. hati still serba salah!



Thursday, October 21, 2010

Congratulations Nana (xfm / x-erafm) & Brian!

on their newborn baby girl!

baca td kat twitter hubby nana, (brian).
"On behalf of @NanaXFM n myself, thanks a million for all your prayers n well wishes. I need to soak in this beautiful moment! Syukur! via ÜberTwitter "

ps- minat kt nana ni.. orgnya sgt sweet!
tahniah dik!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

saya mahu ini : Cardigans!

i want! i want! i want!
ok, sedikit gediks disini! muahaaha!
tapi takde lah nak semuanya kan! (harus lah encik suami, jeling2 kang! :p), dapat salah satu ke, salah dua ke... pun ok!

semua pictures ni ehsan Dorothy Perkins, so, sape2 yg ternampak dimana2 outlet DP sila bgtau saya kay!

cantik kan, kan, kan!

Monday, October 18, 2010

petua kurangkan selsema (flu) / nose blocking

sediakan 1 pot of hot tea (kurang manis), masukkan halia (ginger) - (about 2/3inch yg dibuang kulit & diketuk), tunggu seketika biar agak2 suam, then minum!

Insyaallah, akan sedikit lega!

cuba ya!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

3 bags + 1 purse for 2010

ni hasil rembatan utk tahun ini:

1. Coach Poppy Pocket - Coach One Utama
this is my fav 'bag lenjan'!

2. Anya Hindmarch Marcia Hobo - AH, Parkson One Utama

3. LV Speedy 30 monogram
yang ni paling special, one mesti lah sebab its my 1st lvoe... the ultimate reason is sebab its surprise for my darling husband! tq sayang!
hubby bought it from LV KLCC

4. Gucci zippy wallet
yg ni latest one, also surprise from him! baru sangat ni, still berbau Gucci!
its from Gucci KLCC

ni baru middle Oct kan..... boleh lagi kot barang sedas dua!
(sambil jeling hubby)...
ha ha!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

maaf ya.....

lama sungguh tak update blog secara bersungguh2 & tekun.
takde specific reason, malas barangkali...

kalau ada yg nampak entry ringkas berserta sekeping gambar, itu maknanya saya sekadar blog dr Iphone...
blog rakan2 saya still tak missed, cuma tak tinggal jejak! yg mana rakan2 blog yg ada account facebook, saya cuma komen di fb! rasa lebih mudah; ialah takde sebarang kata lauan la, apa la... :)

sabar2 ye... (kalau lah ada yg tunggu!), cerita banyak, gambar juga banyak utk dikongsi bersama, cuma angin rajin belum bertandang!

I'm approaching 4mth preggie, long way to go... tak sabar nk bersalin, sebab dah tak terlarat menanggung 24hours / bila2 masa sickness ni.... muntah, pening2, mual masih menjadi rutin harian! takpe, sabar... itu lah indahnya 'pregnant'! (ayat sedang pujuk perasaan sendiri! :p).

2 hari lagi, anak perempuan kesayangan saya akan menyambut ulangtahun ke-2 (7 Oct).... cepat nya baby saya menginjak usia! :(

ok... panjang dah ni..
tunggu saya muncul dgn cerita & gambar yg lebih menarik ye..
sampai jumpa lagi...
jgn nakal2!

